Early Childhood and Education Program
Our Early Childhood and Education Program improves quality or maintain high quality of child care in our county through teacher education.Most preschool-age children and infants in Ashe County live in families where all parents or care givers work outside the home. These families are struggling to afford quality early education due to rising costs of inflation rates per child. Without it, parents can’t work.
Our Early Childhood and Education Program provides onsite technical assistance, peer mentors, group and onsite training to child care facilities to increase or maintain their star ratings.
We support child care centers and their commitment to improving the quality of care for infants and toddlers by providing training, mentors, and onsite technical assistance. Participating centers develop classroom improvement plans utilizing customized strategies to meet quality improvement goals.
Did you know that Partnership of Ashe loves to offer support to teachers and administrators in a variety of content areas?
We assist classrooms and teachers in:
- Environment Rating Scales (ITERS-R, ECERS-R, and FCCRS)
- Infant, Toddler, and Pre-K CLASS
- NC Foundations for Early Learning
- Conscious Discipline© Implementation
- Be Active Implementation
We can also help with:
- Curriculum Implementation Support
- Conscious Discipline©
- Group time, transitions, and other challenging times of the day
- Challenging behavior
- Opening a new classroom or child care facility
- Communication with families
- Outdoor classrooms and physical activity
- Teaching team communication
- Classroom schedules and routines
- Professional Development Opportunities
- Training follow-up
- Professional Goals Planning
Lending Library
Partnership of Ashe offers a lending library of educational toys, books, and games. These items are available for check-out with a $15 annual membership fee. The lending library is located in our office at 113 Partnership Drive, Jefferson, NC.
Families, child care centers, and individuals are eligible to check-out materials.

Membership will gain you access to these great resources:
– Laminating Services for an additional fee (Drop off/scheduled pick up time required)
– Bulletin Board Paper
– Die-Cut Machine – (shapes, letters and numbers are available)
– Early Childhood Education Resource Books, Music CDs. Pamphlets and Videos
– Parenting Materials
– Children’s Books
– Educational Toys for Infants/Toddlers, Preschoolers, and Kindergarteners
– Manipulatives
– Science & Math Materials
– Dramatic Play
– Sand and Water
– Props
– Art & Music
– Puzzles
– STEM Activities
A maximum of 5 items can be checked out for a 3 week period.
To view our lending library online click here.
Call or come by to learn more about this great resource for you and the children in your care! (336) 982-8870
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm.
Planting the Seeds to Read
The love for books and reading is something we want to foster and grow in every child in Ashe County. Through our Planting the Seeds to Read project, we are providing books stands and books to local businesses. The books in these stands are rotated out every month, so their visitors will have new books to look at , share, and enjoy. Not only is this good for the businesses to provide something for the children to do, these books can be taken home. This is our way of helping build children’s libraries at home. Through this project we also hand out books to children during the Trunk or Treat event at First Baptist Church in West Jefferson on October 31st each year.
Our project is currently supported by Ashe County Children’s Trust Endowment and Ashe Community Foundation.
If you or your business are interested in a book stand or helping us provide more books to children in Ashe County, please give us a call at (336) 982-4588.
Submit a Request
To submit a request for Technical Assistance, contact Marilyn Agnew, Early Childhood & Education Consultant, at
336.982.8870, ext. 239
or email [email protected]
More quality, dependable child care is a need in Ashe County.
We want to see positive change happen so that Ashe County’s children, parents, child care teachers, and the economy can flourish. Child care is the profession that makes other professions possible.
Click on each of the videos below to learn more!