Get Involved

Support Local Families by Supporting Us!
Volunteer with Partnership of Ashe


We have many volunteer opportunities – including one that is right for you.

Read with a Child or Classroom
Be a Guest Speaker for a Workshop
Help out with a Fundraiser
Work in our Lending Library
Deliver Books to our Bookstands 

For more information contact: Kim Barnes at (336) 982-4588 ext. 248

Like us on Social Media

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.  You will find information for you and your family, see upcoming events, news from our programs and more.

Internships with Partnership of Ashe


We partner with Appalachian State University and Wilkes Community College to offer interships to students.

For more information contact: Kim Barnes at 982-4588 ext. 248

Note: Application and interview are required prior to placement in one of our programs.


Advocacy is defined as actively supporting a cause. One of the essential goals of grassroots advocacy is to increase the level of knowledge about early childhood issues, parental support, and support needed for victims of domestic violence or sexual assault among the people of North Carolina and to motivate them to voice their views and opinions to their representatives. Whether assisting in efforts to help change laws, or just simply discussing Partnership of Ashe and its programs to a friend or neighbors, anyone can advocate on behalf of individuals, young children, and families or the programs that are needed to serve our community.

As an advocate, your contribution guarantees our community continues to be aware of the needs and knows how important programs and services like Partnership of Ashe offers are to the future of our community.

Contact our office for brochures and detailed information about our programs – (336) 982-4588

Being informed and passionate about your issues is the vital key to increasing awareness!

Contact Your Legislators Who Represents You in Ashe County